Mia Edenberg

Mia Edenberg

My best experience with open-back headphones. The shorter and better way to dive deep into emotions that I want to express in layering all my sounds like a marvelous palimpsest. A piece of Jewellery that is mine to propose musical jewels.

Mia is born in November during a strange Fall of 1984, growing in life trying to create a future far from the damned figure of her birth year. Learning guitar, bass guitar and computers she fell in love with cinema (she studied at high school) and Pop music (she experimented on french stages). DNA creator: The quintessence of a sensibility that draws the outline of shade and light. Tied to the feelings’ complexity and to the never-ending range of sounds to be deployed in order to be translated, the french freed composer constantly looks for new means to surprise. Her work is like an infinite film that spread on the scores of her creations, full of audacity and discoveries. The requirement of elegance as an oath. Biologic sound is running through her veins. This emotional creator makes no compromise on both form and content. She is the woman of textures, layers, and production tricks. A composer who’s committed to the truth in the purity of emotion to redraft.


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