And finally, Meze manage to run the entire circle! The Elite is the absolute lethal weapon from composing to enjoying music passing through mixing and mastering doing all those things with total engagement and precision. Our new reference and love affair gear to bring with us all over the world. The first headphone that we can truly love because it is not only a tool but also an awesome piece of art we emotionally are bound with.
Benjamin is born in January 1981, a strangely frosty day that already felt like science fiction (at least that’s what his parents said). He grew up close to his loved ones, learning about the world day by day, writing as a novelist what it could become or what those we can’t yet reach should be. Using inner concepts and futuristic sounds as the voice of his music, computers are friends he’s dealing with any second of his life. His whole creative process is built on experimenting: catching accidents through a strange energetic matrix, transforming that in his own universe, then releasing incomparable scores. In a world of images, he definitely sees sounds. He uses feeling and instinct to interpret noises, recognizing the musical potential of every object around him and using it as an instrument not invented yet. He is the architect, the one who traces his vision between lines and bars, always searching through space ways to bring « stellarity » in music. Definitely a gold miner, a dynamiter within the process, looking for boldness and new territories to be explored Benjamin is the blender within both talents of the couple is crushed, ground and pruned in order to deliver all its sap, all its expanse and essence.

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