Roberto Ortu

Roberto Ortu

One of the things I most liked was the care for the details Starting from the packaging, going over the structure and then arriving to the sound. All is well-balanced and great for listening to the most disparate music. Great audio fidelity

Roberto Ortu musically born on June 2001 in Alghero (Italy) after a listen to “The Number of the Beast” song. He starts his musical career with local bands in the first years and he kept studyin’ guitar by himself. He created the band BROKEN MELODY. With this band, Roberto publishes 2 albums, 1 EP and 3 demos (actually not on the market), make 1 tour in the United Kingdom, win different regional prizes and the last album “Mirroring Identities” gain the position as one of the greatest Album of 2011 in Brazil. Today he's working for studio sessions and personal recordings, such Acoustic Signs (Youtube release).


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